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Ullambana 2022
Ullambana 2022

Sun, 14 Aug



Ullambana 2022

Time & Location

14 Aug 2022, 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Singapore, 32B Hong San Terrace, Singapore 688785

About The Event

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma,

This year Ullambana falls on Sunday, 14 August. As most of you are well aware that the ceremony is held in gratitude to our ancestors and the opportunity to perform meritorious and wholesome deeds so as to transfer the merits accrued from such acts to our ancestors and relatives to relieve them of any sufferings and help them gain rebirth in happy realms.

Ullambana celebration was based on a discourse given by the Buddha principally to the Venerable Mogallana on the practice of filial piety. To help Ven. Mogallana save his deceased mother from suffering the realm of the hungry ghost (Peta), The Buddha advised Mogallana to offer rice, fruits other delicacies as well as requisites to the Sangha members. Only the meritorious power of these monks, who hold the precepts completely and purely, can deliver his mother from the great sufferings in the lower realms. In this way, Mogallana succeeded in rescuing his mother from the hungry ghost realm.

All followers should follow the practice as it would bring similar benefits to the practitioner's parents of the seven births. In the Sigalovada Sutta, it is stated that the duty of transferring merits to the parents and other relatives falls on the living members of the family.

This practice guides the living members to be moral and religious in their day-to-day dealings. At the end of the day both parties benefit from it, as the transference of merits is also a meritorious act. Thus Buddhists undertake to follow different religious functions to transfer merits to the departed so that they may be well and happy.


Sunday, 14 August, 2022

09:30 a.m.   Morning Chanting. Sunday puja, 3 Refuges and Five Precepts

10.00 a.m.   Dhamma Talk

11.00 a.m.   Chanting of Abhidhamma to consecrate merits to the departed relatives followed by offering of food into 

the alms bowl (Tak Bart).

May the Blessing of the Triple Gems bring you

good health, peace and happiness!






盂兰节(盂兰盆)的庆祝活动主要是根据佛陀给予目連尊者实践孝道的讲道。帮助目 連尊者挽救其去世的母亲脱离饿鬼道(Peta ),佛陀解释说,他母亲的罪根深结,非他 一人能力所为。佛陀指示目连以百味饮食供养十方众僧,靠十方众僧的威神道力,才 能使他的母解脱饿鬼道。目连遵照执行,母亲果然成功地脱离了饿鬼道。从此以后, 凡佛弟子都应行慈孝,供养十方僧众,功德无量,可救赎七世父母之恩情。

在《善生经》的讲道说明一切功德回向给往生的父母和亲人的责任属落在活着的家庭 成员。这实践引导生存成员能在日常生活中落实佛法的修行,责任和义务。最终两者 受益,因为功德回向也是使功德圆满的善生之法。因此,佛教徒跟随不同宗教的庆祝 仪式进行功德回向给往生者,以减轻他们的痛苦和帮助他们获得新生的幸福境界。



上午9.30时   诵早课经文 守五戒仪式, 供养三宝

上午10.00时   听佛法

上午11.00时   受五戒礼、诵《阿毗达磨经》回向功德给往生者

供僧仪式。( Tak Bart)



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